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Research article
A continuum damage model to simulate failure in composite plates under uniaxial compression
D. Tumino, F. Cappello, G. Catalanotti
Vol. 1., No.1., Pages 15-23, 2007
DOI: 10.3144/expresspolymlett.2007.4
Corresponding author: D. Tumino



Experimental investigations and numerical simulations are performed in order to numerically predict the buckling behaviour of thin composite laminated specimens. Experiments are aimed at two objectives: the first is to completely characterize the carbon/epoxy material under simple loading configurations, the second is to test this material in buckling and post-buckling situations. The data collected with the first campaign of experiments are used to obtain the strength parameters required to define a damage model based on the failure theory by Tsai-Wu. This model is implemented in a Finite Element (FE) code and numerical simulations of buckling are executed for unidirectional and cross-ply laminates; results are in good agreement with experiments both in terms of determination of the critical loads and prediction of failure during post-buckling.
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Budapest University of Technology and Economics,
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Polymer Engineering