All issues / Volume 1 (2007) / Issue 12 (December)
T. Czigany, G. Marosi, M. Q. Zhang
Vol. 1., No.12., Pages 780-780, 2007
DOI: 10.3144/expresspolymlett.2007.107
Vol. 1., No.12., Pages 780-780, 2007
DOI: 10.3144/expresspolymlett.2007.107
no abstract
G. A. Kontos, A. L. Soulintzis, P. K. Karahaliou, G. C. Psarras, S. N. Georga, C. A. Krontiras, M. N. Pisanias
Vol. 1., No.12., Pages 781-789, 2007
DOI: 10.3144/expresspolymlett.2007.108
Vol. 1., No.12., Pages 781-789, 2007
DOI: 10.3144/expresspolymlett.2007.108
Polymer matrix-TiO2 composites were prepared in three different filler concentrations. The electrical relaxation dynamics as well as the electrical conductivity of all samples were examined by means of Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy (BDS) over a wide frequency and temperature range. The recorded relaxation response includes contributions from both the polymer matrix and the reinforcing phase. Two relaxation modes (β and γ) are observed in the low temperature region, which are attributed to the re-orientation of polar side groups of the matrix and rearrangement of small parts of the polymeric chain respectively. The α-relaxation and the Maxwell-Wagner-Sillars effect (MWS), attributed to the glassrubber transition of the polymeric matrix and to interfacial polarization phenomena respectively, are observed in the high temperature region. These two mechanisms are superimposed, thus a computer simulation procedure was followed in order to distinguish them. MWS effect becomes more pronounced with increasing concentration of the filler following an Arrhenius behaviour. The relaxation frequencies corresponding to α-mode follow the Vogel-Tamann-Fulcher (VTF) equation. An additional relaxation mode is recorded at relatively high temperatures and high frequencies. Its occurrence and dynamics are related to the presence and the concentration of the filler. Finally, the Direct Current (DC) conductivity follows the VTF equation.
A. Izer, T. Barany
Vol. 1., No.12., Pages 790-796, 2007
DOI: 10.3144/expresspolymlett.2007.109
Vol. 1., No.12., Pages 790-796, 2007
DOI: 10.3144/expresspolymlett.2007.109
Self-reinforced polypropylene composites (SRPPC) were hot pressed from textile layers (carded mat, knitted fabrics) at three different temperatures (160, 165 and 170°C) by setting a constant pressure (6 MPa) and constant holding time (2 min). Both textiles consist of two kinds of isotactic polypropylene (iPP) fibers differing in their orientation. In these compositions the highly oriented iPP works as reinforcement and the less oriented one fulfills the role of the matrix after hot consolidation. Two textile assemblies, viz. carded (also needle punched) mats and knitted fabrics were hot pressed; and the properties of the resultant SRPPC plates were investigated under tensile and falling weight impact conditions. The microstructure of the SRPPC was analyzed by light microscopy using polished sections and by SEM using cut surfaces.
A. P. Bonartsev, V. A. Livshits, T. A. Makhina, V. L. Myshkina, G. A. Bonartseva, A. L. Iordanskii
Vol. 1., No.12., Pages 797-803, 2007
DOI: 10.3144/expresspolymlett.2007.110
Vol. 1., No.12., Pages 797-803, 2007
DOI: 10.3144/expresspolymlett.2007.110
Novel biodegradable microspheres on the base of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) designed for controlled release of antithrombotic drug, namely dipyridamole (DPD), have been kinetically studied. The profiles of release from the microspheres with different diameters 4, 9, 63, and 92 µm present the progression of nonlinear and linear stages. Diffusionkinetic equation describing both linear (PHB hydrolysis) and nonlinear (diffusion) stages of the DPD release profiles from the spherical subjects has been written down as the sum of two terms: desorption from the homogeneous sphere in accordance with diffusion mechanism and the zero-order release. In contrast to the diffusivity dependence on microsphere size, the constant characteristics (k) of linearity are scarcely affected by the diameter of PHB microparticles. The view of the kinetic profiles as well as the low rate of DPD release are in satisfactory agreement with kinetics of weight loss measured in vitro for the PHB films. Taking into account kinetic results, we suppose that the degradation of both films and PHB microspheres is responsible for the linear stage of DPD release profiles. In the nearest future, combination of biodegradable PHB and DPD as a representative of proliferation cell inhibitors will give possibility to elaborate the novel injectable therapeutic system for a local, long-term, antiproliferative action.
T. Tabi, J. G. Kovacs
Vol. 1., No.12., Pages 804-809, 2007
DOI: 10.3144/expresspolymlett.2007.111
Vol. 1., No.12., Pages 804-809, 2007
DOI: 10.3144/expresspolymlett.2007.111
This paper focuses on the effect of the different injection moulding parameters and storing methods on injection moulded thermoplastic maize starch (TPS). The glycerol and water plasticized starch was processed in a twin screw extruder and then with an injection moulding machine to produce TPS dumbbell specimens. Different injection moulding set-ups and storing conditions were used to analyse the effects on the properties of thermoplastic starch. Investigated parameters were injection moulding pressure, holding pressure, and for the storage: storage at 50% relative humidity, and under ambient conditions. After processing the mechanical and shrinkage properties of the manufactured TPS were determined as a function of the ageing time. While conditioning, the characteristics of the TPS changed from a soft material to a rigid material. Although this main behaviour remained, the different injection moulding parameters changed the characteristics of TPS. Scanning electron microscope observations revealed the changes in the material on ageing.
F. Quadrini, E. A. Squeo, V. Tagliaferri
Vol. 1., No.12., Pages 810-816, 2007
DOI: 10.3144/expresspolymlett.2007.112
Vol. 1., No.12., Pages 810-816, 2007
DOI: 10.3144/expresspolymlett.2007.112
The machinability of a 30 wt% glass fiber reinforced polyamide (PA) was investigated by means of drilling tests. A disk was cut from an extruded rod and drilled on the flat surface: thrust was acquired during drilling at different drilling speed, feed rate and drill diameter. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and indentation were used to characterize PA so as to evaluate the intrinsic lack of homogeneity of the extruded material. In conclusion, it was observed that the chip formation mechanism affects the thrust dependence on the machining parameters. A traditional modeling approach is able to predict thrust only in presence of a continuous chip. In some conditions, thrust increases as drilling speed increases and feed rate decreases; this evidence suggests not to consider the general scientific approach which deals the machining of plastics in analogy with metals. Moreover, the thrust can be significantly affected by the workpiece fabrication effect, as well as by the machining parameters; therefore, the fabrication effect is not negligible in the definition of an optimum for the machining process.
F. Quadrini, E. A. Squeo
Vol. 1., No.12., Pages 817-823, 2007
DOI: 10.3144/expresspolymlett.2007.113
Vol. 1., No.12., Pages 817-823, 2007
DOI: 10.3144/expresspolymlett.2007.113
Polyetheretherketone (PEEK) composites have been extensively studied because of the excellent tribological behavior among plastics. However, laboratory specimens and tests are generally discussed, whereas application studies on industrial components are infrequent. In this paper, an injection molded bush made of tribological PEEK was analyzed to correlate wear behavior and molded material structure. Bushes were tested under unlubricated sliding conditions by means of a short wear test. Surface analysis, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and optical microscopy were used to evaluate the distribution of the different composite fillers (polytetrafluoroethylene, PTFE, graphite particles and carbon microfibers) and their effect on the final bush behavior. A significant lack of homogeneity was observed in the molded bush and black bands appeared on the shaft surface after testing due to the sliding. The bush geometry and the injection molding process should be optimized to allow the best tribological behavior of the molded material under working conditions.
A. Boukerrou, J. Duchet, S. Fellahi, H. Djidjelli, M. Kaci, H. Sautereau
Vol. 1., No.12., Pages 824-830, 2007
DOI: 10.3144/expresspolymlett.2007.114
Vol. 1., No.12., Pages 824-830, 2007
DOI: 10.3144/expresspolymlett.2007.114
The present research investigates the morphology, the mechanical, and the viscoelastic properties of rubbery epoxy/clay nanocomposites synthesized by in situ polymerisation of a prepolymer diglycidyl ether of bisphenol-A crosslinked with an aliphatic diamine based on a polyoxypropylene backbone. The inorganic phase was hectorite, exchanged with octadecylammonium ions in order to give organophilic properties to the phyllosilicate. An ultrasonicator was used to disperse the silicate clay layer into epoxy-amine matrix. The morphology of epoxy-hectorite nanocomposites examined by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) showed that mixed delamination or intercalation or microdispersion could occur depending on type of organoclay. Moreover, the mechanical and viscoelastic properties were found to be improved with only the treated hectorite.
J. Zhang, J. Huang, W. Zhou, F. Huang, L. Du
Vol. 1., No.12., Pages 831-836, 2007
DOI: 10.3144/expresspolymlett.2007.115
Vol. 1., No.12., Pages 831-836, 2007
DOI: 10.3144/expresspolymlett.2007.115
A silicon-containing arylacetylene resin (SAR), a poly(dimethylsilyleneethynylene phenyleneethynylene) (PMSEPE), was synthesized. The PMSEPE is a solid resin at ambient temperature with a softening temperature about 60°C and soluble in some solvents like tetrahydrofuran. The melt viscosity of the PMSEPE resin is less than 1 Pa•s. The resin could cure at the temperature of lower than 200°C. Fiber reinforced PMSEPE composites were prepared from prepregs which were made by the impregnation of fibers in PMSEPE resin solution. The composites exhibit good mechanical properties at room temperature and 250°C. The observation on fracture surfaces of the composites reinforced by glass fibers and carbon fibers demonstrates that the adhesion between the fibers and resin is good. The results from an oxyacetylene flame test show that the composites have good ablation performance and XRD analyses indicate that SiC forms in the residues during the ablation of the composites.
G. C. Psarras, K. G. Gatos, P. K. Karahaliou, S. N. Georga, C. A. Krontiras, J. Karger-Kocsis
Vol. 1., No.12., Pages 837-845, 2007
DOI: 10.3144/expresspolymlett.2007.116
Vol. 1., No.12., Pages 837-845, 2007
DOI: 10.3144/expresspolymlett.2007.116
Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy (BDS) is employed in order to investigate relaxation phenomena occurring in natural rubber (NR), polyurethane rubber (PUR) and PUR/NR blend based nanocomposites, reinforced by 10 parts per hundred (phr) Layered Silicates (LS). Nanocomposites and matrices were examined under identical conditions in a wide frequency (10–1 to 106 Hz) and temperature (–100 to 50°C) range. Experimental data are analyzed in terms of electric modulus formalism. The recorded relaxation phenomena include contributions from both the polymer matrices and the nanofiller. Natural rubber is a non-polar material and its performance is only slightly affected by the presence of layered silicates. Polyurethane rubber exhibits four distinct relaxation processes attributed, with ascending relaxation rate, to Interfacial Polarization (IP), glass/rubber transition (α-mode), local motions of polar side groups and small segments of the polymer chain (β, γ-mode). The same processes have been detected in all systems containing PUR. IP is present in all nanocomposites being the slowest recorded process. Finally, pronounced interfacial relaxation phenomena, occurring in the PUR+10 phr LS spectra, are attributed to nanoscale effects of intercalation and exfoliation.
H. Djidjelli, D. Benachour, A. Boukerrou, O. Zefouni, J. Martinez-Vega, J. Farenc, M. Kaci
Vol. 1., No.12., Pages 846-852, 2007
DOI: 10.3144/expresspolymlett.2007.117
Vol. 1., No.12., Pages 846-852, 2007
DOI: 10.3144/expresspolymlett.2007.117
Composites from PVC and chemically treated olive pomace have been prepared. The effect of the incorporation of virgin and benzylated olive pomace in the poly(vinyl chloride) matrix on dielectric, mechanical and thermal stability properties, of /olive pomace composites was studied. The mechanical properties of the benzylated composites were improved. Furthermore, the thermal characterization of the different samples carried out by thermogravimetric analysis revealed an increase in the onset temperatures of decomposition for the treated composites. The dielectric investigation indicated that the samples containing olive pomace treated with the benzyl chloride can be used in electrical applications as insulators.